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How to Check Your Follow Requests on Instagram?

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, Instagram remains a pivotal platform for digital interaction. Understanding its features can enhance your user experience, one of which is tracking your follow requests. This guide delves into how you can see who you've requested to follow on Instagram, a question many users ponder.

Understanding Instagram's Follow Request Feature

When you request to follow a private account on Instagram, your request remains pending until the account owner approves it. However, it's easy to lose track of these requests, especially if you're an active user engaging with multiple profiles.

Steps to View Your Follow Requests

  1. Accessing the Activity Section: Open Instagram and go to your profile. Tap on the three horizontal lines (menu) at the top right corner, and select 'Settings'.

  2. Navigating to Security Settings: In the Settings menu, find and tap on 'Security'. Here, you'll see various options related to your account's security and privacy.

  3. Reviewing Follow Requests: Under the Security settings, locate and select 'Access Data'. Scroll down to the 'Connections' section and click on ‘View All’ under ‘Current follow requests’. Here, you'll find a list of all the users you've requested to follow.

Black phon on instagram
How to See Who You Requested to Follow on Instagram

Importance of Monitoring Follow Requests

Monitoring your follow requests can help you manage your digital footprint on Instagram. It allows you to:

  • Reassess your interest in following certain profiles.

  • Keep track of pending connections, especially if they're important for networking or personal reasons.

  • Clean up your follow request list by canceling requests that are no longer relevant.

Tips for Managing Follow Requests

  • Regularly check your follow request list to stay updated on your pending connections.

  • Cancel follow requests to accounts that haven’t responded over a long period to keep your list manageable.

  • Be mindful of whom you request to follow, especially for private accounts, as repeated requests can seem intrusive.


Instagram's feature to check who you've requested to follow provides transparency and control over your social media interactions. By regularly monitoring and managing your follow requests, you maintain a curated and meaningful list of connections. Embrace these steps to enhance your Instagram experience and ensure your digital interactions reflect your current interests and needs.

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